Call Palladium Wealth Partners Today: (08) 8272 2298

Our Services


In today’s global world where information is able to travel so quickly there tends to be a significant amount of `noise’ in the media about various investment markets. With their daily focus on the rise and fall of various shares and currency it can be understandably disconcerting at times.

Our advisers at Palladium Wealth Partners help you navigate through this noise and put in place sound long term investment strategies whether it be long term wealth accumulation for retirement or investing for specific purposes in the years to come.

We cannot control investment markets, but we are able to construct individualised portfolios tailored to your needs and with consideration to your tolerance for risk. We endeavour to manage the impact of volatility on your portfolios, and ultimately put you in a strong position to be able to meet your objectives.


Superannuation is a great way to tax effectively save for an income for retirement, however, there are many considerations worth considering.

We are well placed to provide you advice on:

– Whether you should make additional contributions;

– Salary sacrifice strategies to help save you tax;

– What is the most appropriate superannuation fund for your needs;

– Consolidation of superannuation funds; and/or

– The underlying investment strategy for your benefits.

We have significant experience in assisting clients with benefits held through Super SA and the Electricity Industry Super Scheme. This includes not only ordinary accumulation superannuation schemes, but also defined benefit lump sum and pension schemes.

We are one of the preferred providers of advice for the Electricity Industry Super Scheme members.

Personal Insurance

Just because things are going well now, doesn’t mean they can’t suddenly go horribly wrong!

As an example:

If you or your partner are no longer around, how will the family cope?

If you get seriously ill, are you able to meet your mortgage repayments on your home while you recover?

What assets are you willing to rely on for out-of-pocket medical expenses in the event you are struck by an unforeseen medical condition?

We can assist you in protecting your wealth and family against adverse events for both short-term and permanent illness, sickness, disability and death.

We work with you to help ensure you put in place or review the appropriate amount and type of cover to meet your needs whether this be insurance held directly or through your superannuation.

Personal Insurance

Just because things are going well now, doesn’t mean they can’t suddenly go horribly wrong!

As an example:

If you or your partner are no longer around, how will the family cope?

If you get seriously ill, are you able to meet your mortgage repayments on your home while you recover?

What assets are you willing to rely on for out-of-pocket medical expenses in the event you are struck by an unforeseen medical condition?

We can assist you in protecting your wealth and family against adverse events for both short-term and permanent illness, sickness, disability and death.

We work with you to help ensure you put in place or review the appropriate amount and type of cover to meet your needs whether this be insurance held directly or through your superannuation.

Aged Care

This is specialised area of advice and can be a minefield due to the complex rules, level of emotion involved and often time critical nature of needing to make decisions quickly.

Whether it be for you or a loved one, we are well placed to provide you with information on the steps involved with the Aged Care process and help you gain insight into any relevant issues so you can make the right decisions.

Where possible involving a number of family members in the advice process is useful to not only provide additional support for the family member entering care but to also help minimise disagreements along the way.

Retirement Planning

Do we have enough to retire on?

How long will my money last?

These questions and many more are what we help answer for clients who are approaching or are already in retirement.

We seek to understand your goals and objectives from both a lifestyle and financial perspective, so that we are able to tailor our advice to your needs and form a long lasting professional relationship with you.

Our ongoing advice process seeks to guide you through the complexities of investment markets, superannuation, and where relevant Centrelink / DVA issues, so that you do not need to worry and can instead focus on what is important to you in your retirement.

Intergenerational Advice

To us intergenerational advice isn’t necessarily just about how best to pass on your wealth to the next generation.

Consider the scenario where as a pre or post retiree you have adult children who also have children of their own. If something unforseen or tragic occurs in their family and they have insufficient assets and/or personal insurance protection, in most cases the likely place they will turn to is mum and dad.

Helping ensure your adult children are on track financially and have adequate personal insurance protection in place enables you to have the confidence that you own assets and retirement plans are less likely to be at risk from such an event.

We are more than happy to meet with your children for an initial obligation free discussion at no cost, either on their own or with you, if they wish to have you involved in the process.

Intergenerational advice also incorporates Aged Care, where we often find ourselves assisting our pre and post retiree clients with elderly parents needing to plan for Aged Care decisions in the months and years to come.